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Video production

Videos were created when I worked as a trainee at Language Xchange Ireland, which is one of Ireland's Erasmus+ partner companies.

Tools used: Lightworks, Moovly, Powtoon, Animaker


Teachers' well-being

This video was inspired by one of my favorite classmates who is a mom of two sons. We have to admit a truth that though teachers are dedicated and hard-working, it's hard to solve all school stuff. There's less time saved to enjoy their own lives.

"You can't give what you don't have". To be a successful and flourishing teacher, you need to nurture confidence, motivation, teach yourself and care yourself every day.



Problem-based learning (PBL)

PBL provides complex, real-world and ill-structured problems for learners to solve. Through learning process, they co-construct their knowledge actively, develop problem-solving skills, self-regulated learning skills, teamworking and nurture motivation.

What are teachers' roles in PBL?

What are two small tips that teachers can use in PBL?

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Teach mixed-ability classes

It's a norm that teachers face mixed-ability classes in their teaching life, but not every teacher is prepared for that. First step is getting to know your students by using learner profiles and class mapping!



Enhance students' confidence in sharing

In Collaborative Learning, some students are active, while many others are shy.

How to enhance their motivation of sharing?

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Flipped classroom

Flipped classroom requires students research some parts of lessons at home, and that saves time to explore topics deeper during class time.

Which educational tools can help teachers carry out flipped classroom effectively?

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Image source: Gradecam


Collaboration Learning

What is Collaborative Learning?

How can you instruct collaborative learning process for students?

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Image source: talentlsm


Facilitate discussion in Collaborative Learning

Collaboration is an important skill in the 21st century, and discussions among students are the key point.

Jamboard and Padlet are two effective tools to enhance discussions.

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3 phases of Self-regulated learning

When learners actively plan learning goals, monitor, reflect, regulate learning strategies, outcomes, motivation, emotion, behaviors to complete a goal, they have good self-regulated learning (SRL) ability.

So how does that process happen?

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Are you placing your students in competitions?

Is it good or bad to put students in comparisons and competitions?

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10 tips to use E-portfolio in teaching

What is E-portfolio? How can teachers use E-portfolio in teaching?

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Why should teachers use E-portfolio in teaching?

E-portfolio is easy to access, includes multimedia, motivate students and enhance self-regulated learning.

Are those good reasons for you to use E-portfolio in class?

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